Tuesday, July 17, 2012

36: Chris Wagner's NAD Post

Some quick thoughts regarding new NAD President Chris Wagner and his NAD vlog.

He's got a pleasant manner, at least–but then I'd expect that from someone who used to work in marketing! At times he seems to be blushing, a little–is vlogging not 100% comfortable for him yet? It's the first time I've seen him, except far away in photos, and definitely the first time I've seen him signing. I've read writing and interviews, but that had been about it.

I'm glad he's talking about election reform for the NAD. Clearly, people want to know where their vote is going, and that's their right as a member of a democratic nation. Language deprivation is also a big issue for me obviously, and EHDI highly important. I look forward to watching the vlog after the Bay Area meeting; I want to see what plans they come up with to address these issues.

Also glad he's planning to make several of these vlogs; I want to see more direct communication on the NAD website. Right now, this video isn't embedded on the main NAD page; I'd like to see that happen (it's linked to, but in my opinion this should be front and center, so any time someone comes to NAD.org they'll see the latest message from the President.) Of course, as with any politician, we need to watch and make sure they follow through on their statements and promises–but that's the nature of the political game. ;)

I'd like to officially welcome President Wagner. I hope his time of service sees better services and chances for Deaf children of all kinds, from all over the country. As he quotes at the end of his vlog, "Nothing about us, without us." A high standard to set!

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