Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Have You Seen "Punk Chef" on BSL Zone?

Even if you don't know BSL–run and check out Remark! and their latest masterpizza, Punk Chef! This awesome new programme in BSL is in one of my favorite genres–the cooking reality show–and features a Deaf chef teaching a Deaf family how to cook.

What's fascinating for me is that there's no "meta" in this episode. On many shows the program or story would be interrupted to explain for a hearing audience why the cast is using a videophone, flashing light, or whatnot. When you do things like that, you bore an intelligent hearing audience (which, yes, has enough brains to figure out that Deaf people use flashing lights for alerts) and drive away the Deaf audience (because clearly, the program's no longer for them.) Most hearing people just want to see the story and explore different lives from a firsthand perspective, and most Deaf people just want to get on with it. Remark! does all these things well; using videophone technology as a recipe guide while cooking seems brilliantly natural.

But more importantly, it's awesome to see Deaf people being encouraged to be fit and equally awesome to see people excited about cooking healthy food!

I hope one day we get such programs in the States. (And yes, there's more recipes on the website!)

Check out Punk Chef on the BSL zone!

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